The Citizens Information Board's website Assist Ireland ( provided information about aids, appliances and assistive technology. The website was discontinued in December 2019 following analysis undertaken of the substantial resources required to maintain it and following significant reduced demand for the resource.

In recent years, most suppliers of assistive technology (also sometimes known as aids and appliances) have their own websites. You can browse all their products online, and buy online. Some suppliers also have retail shops. To find suppliers, search using 'aids and appliances', 'aids for daily living' or 'mobility aids' in your browser.

If you are a medical card holder you may be entitled to get certain aids and appliances for free. If you are not sure what equipment you need, or how to get it, contact your local public health nurse in your local health centre.

The Disabled Living Foundation (DLF) in the UK publishes factsheets on some of the equipment available to help with daily living. These factsheets provide advice on adapting your home and information on daily living equipment such as what to look for when choosing equipment.

Information is available from the Alzheimer Society of Ireland on how assistive technology can help people with dementia and their families (pdf).