North Leinster Citizens Information Service

Company Name: North Leinster Citizens Information Service

Legal form of the company: Company Limited by Guarantee

Registered Company Office Address:

North Leinster Citizens Information Service, Floor 2, 1 Cannon Row, Navan, Co. Meath, C15 XR8Y

Registered Company Number: CHY 621214

Registered Charity Number (RCN): 20201062

Charitable Tax Exemption Number (CHY): CHY22214

Locations covered: Kildare (Athy, Maynooth, Naas, Newbridge); Longford; Louth (Drogheda, Dundalk); Meath - (Ashbourne, Navan, Trim); Westmeath (Athlone, Mullingar)

Most recent Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements: Audited Financial Statements can be found at this link

Regional Manager: Lorraine Walsh (

Compliments and Complaints: Lorraine Walsh

Data Protection:

Directors: Hugh Farrell (Acting Chairperson), James Fulham (Company Secretary), Deborah Sheridan, Grainne Berrill, Peter Carty, Anne Drury, Oonagh O'Kelly Lynch, Derek Conway

Regional Office Telephone Number: 0818 07 6150

Email address: