Volunteers: South Leinster CIS

The South Leinster Citizens Information Service invites applications for volunteer information providers in the following Citizens Information Centres:

You can read more about volunteering in Citizens Information Services and the volunteer role descriptions.word Note that these are unpaid roles.

Days required: To be confirmed with volunteer

To apply, fill out the application formpdf document icon and send your application form to martina.cronin@citinfo.ie with Volunteer Application and the location in the subject line.

If you have any queries before submitting your application, you can send them to martina.cronin@citinfo.ie

Closing date for receipt of applications: Friday 21st June 2024

For details on how your personal data will be used during this process the CIS sample Data Protection Notice for Job Applicants is available at: https://www.citizensinformationboard.ie/en/data_protection/cis.html